Thursday, January 30, 2014

Its here!!

Do you know what this is?!?!?

If you guessed the Famous Tub you are right!!!
We finally got the tub about two weeks ago, Woot Woot!

The Baby Daddy (Hubby) and Babys Pa spent the weekend building a box for us to put the tub in.....

Mav helped too!!

I did try to take some pictures prior to Mav getting in the tub but it is really hard to take pictures of a 15 month old. So here are the best ones I got:

Alot of Mav problems are that he itches, I mean he is in a constant state of "itching".  I un-dressed Mav got his towel, clean clothes, diaper and lotion. By the time I got back to him....maybe 2 Minutes, this is what I got.....

This was before (literally maybe 2 minutes)

My poor poor baby!!

But here we are in our new life saving tub!!!!

I say life saving because I truly believe that it is. I have not used any cream (other that lotion) since we have started taking baths. Mav has taken 4 baths so far.....

His face is no longer scabby and bleeding. The redness is much lighter. I will try again to take better pictures tomorrow, we just completed our 5th bath. I will continue to take pictures and keep you updated.  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Well I tried to up date the blog but it wont let me load pictures......

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mavs Story

This is Mav

On Jan 15, 2014 he will be 15 months old,
and this is his story.
(A very hard story for me to tell)
Easton Maverick Harris was born Oct 15, 2012 in brownfield Tx.
It was a very hard delivery for him and myself but we pulled through. With in a few weeks Mav started to get a "rash" on his cheeks. I am a nurse so I instantly started doing what I have done in the hospital and used my "training".  We started using aveeno eczema lotion (I have used it my whole life, LOVE IT) change laundry soap to free and clear and minimized all "smelly stuff in our home. Sad to say but nothing helped, the "rash" started to "weep" so I finally broke down and took him to our pcp. We received oral steroids and topical creams. They worked Magically!! Hooray we are over this..........Wrong!

This is how Mav lives on a daily basis. He cannot wear shorts or short sleeve shirts. If he is able to get to any part of the irritated skin he will scratch at it until it bleeds. We eventually got referred to two dermatologist and two allergist.  More medicine, more cream. We have used about 10 different lotions, two different laundry soaps several sedative medications to keep him from basically hurting himself.
Some days it is worse than others

It will spread and make his eyes swell, or he will scratch it to the point of bleeding. (Yes, he is always happy)
My heart breaks for him, I can see how uncomfortable he is. God gave this little boy an amazing spirit though. I have never seen such a happy baby!!!
But........there is HOPE!! Something almost brand new!!
Micro Silk Hydrotherapy
(created by Jason International)
Scott (the husband and baby daddy) got an amazing new job with God loving Bosses! Through his new job we meet the folks at Morrison Show Room here is Lubbock Texas (it is on Quaker)
Carole and Jamie heard about Mav and immediately we got together. They have this AMAZING bath tub. I mean AMAZING tub!!!! The tub uses air to make the bubbles unlike a normal jet tub this causes the bubble to be the size of a pin point. They say not to even use soap in the tub because it will get you cleaner than that. The bubbles get under the skin and basically slough all the dead skin off. Morrison show room has a demo tub for you to put your hands and feel the difference.
Mav may have fallen in the Tub, LOL
No products were placed in the water, it is milky from the bubbles.
Well the wonderful people at Morrison, Destiny Homes, Jason International and a few private donations bought my sweet sweet baby a tub for our home!!
He will be able to use it every day and I am believing that this is a Cure! We are sitting here waiting for delivery as I type this!!
Who would have thought that after several skin damaging topical creams, bone damaging  oral steroids, two hospitalizations, traumatic diagnosis (which were not even true), and all sorts of would take
Nothing But a Bath!
This will be Mavs story!